High Street, Toowoomba

Primary school in Queensland with special consideration for weather flow and encouraging group outdoor play.

We just completed this large natural play space at a Primary School in Queensland. What a wonderful project to work on! We worked with the Principal of the school to design a natural play space under beautiful large trees.

There was an issue with flooding during heavy downpours so we worked with the Principal designing a large winding creek bed to take the excess water down to a raingarden. This raingarden allows the water to slowly seep into the ground, meaning the topsoil is no longer washed away.

Accessibility was a large concern, so we designed a winding path with decks that are flush so as to allow all people to play. There are a variety of challenging and cooperative elements which also encourages group play and games.

Our main focus in this area was to keep all the trees and use as many natural materials as possible. Our landscaping team has done a fantastic job realising the design intent of this project. They sourced some marvellous logs for this job and have really showed their creativity in the way the balancing logs have been arranged. Their work has been instrumental in providing a challenging and adventurous play space for the people who will be using it.

We love this playground and can’t wait to see it played on!

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Give us a call today to see how our end-to-end offering can transform your project or maintenance request.
Victoria Office: 111 Hobsons Road, Kensington, VIC; Victoria Warehouse: Factory 2, 10 Industrial Drive, Melton, VIC 3337
Queensland: 1 Stubbin Street, Belivah QLD 4207

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